
Brazmix launches its new Website
A pioneer in bringing virtual world tools to their business, Brazmix always envisions offering its customers the best experience by providing that by accessing digital platforms, customers can find exactly the product they need, without delay or confusion during navigation.
In October 2019, Brazmix officially launched its new website, full of new features and much easier to navigate. With an intuitive product menu, enabling your customers to quickly find the product they want through categories and subcategories, streamlining the search process.
By finding the desired products, the Brazmix customer has the ability to view a vast amount of product information he has opened, with technical descriptions, operating specifications, images and videos. In addition, you can access a quick tool to request quotes (from multiple products) as well as download the respective technical catalogs of the products of interest.
Always striving for better communication and transparency with its customers, Brazmix also offers on the new website several ways in which it is possible to contact us. In addition to the traditional ways like phone and email, Brazmix customer will find two tools for instant contact with our sales and service professionals. It is possible through the new website to find a real-time CHAT tool to answer technical questions, request quotes, send files and more. For the same functions we also have access to whatsapp direct from our commercial department, greatly speeding up the quotation process for distributors and customers in general.
In our new virtual platform our customers will have a new experience when searching for Dredge Pumps, High Pressure Pumps, Hammer Mills, Mining and Dredging Accessories.
This is one more proof that for Brazmix customer satisfaction is always important. Our greatest commitment is to be able to deliver the best products and services to our customers, always!
Visit our new website:
+55 54 3229 9365 | +55 54 3041 4312
Street: Cavaliere Ambrogio Cipolla, N° 562, Mariland District - ZipCode 95057-000
Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil